Mailbox 3

“we are already wrapped around her little finger”
Dear Walter and Joanne,
Just wanted to tell you how wonderful Vanka is (although I know that you already knew that). She has been so relaxed and so easy that it is as if she’s always been here. She cried when you left but we hung out together, taking walks down the driveway and sitting quietly in the family room, and she very quickly got happy again.
Her only obstacle last night was the staircase. Had to push her up each step and coming down she just slid in a heap. However, she is now running up and down the stairs like a kid who is so proud of her achievement. So all is well and we are already wrapped around her little finger (she slept on my bed).
Thanks again for delivering her.
All The Best, Bev and Dick
Hi Joanne & Walter:
We are just overjoyed with our little furry new member of the family. Even Bambi, our 11 yr. old has taken to mothering him, something I never thought we would see (especially not this soon) D-O-G has just about stolen the heart of everyone he comes in contact with. Seven of my young grandchildren have already come to visit him and he maintained his absolutely calm demeanor as they petted and played with him. WHAT A DOG!!! When we think of all the unusual circumstances that led to us contacting you (just at the right time) we feel we were meant to have him as a treasured addition to our home. Thank you so very, very much for bringing him into our lives. May you continue to bless other families as you have ours.
Will send more pictures soon.
“Thank you so very, very much for bringing him into our lives.”

“I get so many compliments on what a beautiful dog she is.”
Hey Walter and Joanne,
I thought I would share a beautiful picture of our Princess Lexi. I get so many compliments on what a beautiful dog she is. I also had about 50 people in my yard when this picture was taken and 15 to 20 of those people were children under 7 years old and Lexi was just so well behaved and gentle with the children. She is a wonderful dog and very attached to my children. My 1 year old was in the pool on a float and when he cried to get out, Lexi was in my face trying to find out what was wrong with her baby. I hope all is well with you and your furry family. I will keep you posted as she continues to grow up.
Talk to you soon,
Renee Vargas
Hi Walter and Joanne,
Here are pictures of Perla with some of her new family. She has adjusted beautifully. I can say she feels completely at home with us and has bonded with everyone. She would like Hercules to play with her more often but is accepting of his limits. We had a lot of company over the holidays and she responded perfectly. She is very comfortable here and that makes me happy because that is how I want her to feel. Thank you for a wonderful dog.
Fondly, Jill

“Thank you for a wonderful dog.”

Dear Walter & Joanne –
Here is a picture of the girls from the weekend that we thought you might like. Holly (Quinta) is getting big and is a very lovey girl. Thanks. We are really enjoying having the two dogs together.
Gabrielle D’Errico
Walter and Joanne,
Kathy and I could not be happier. Genny is doing so well, and growing as we watch. She seems so intelligent! At 9 weeks, she already sits and heels. She is also housebroken and loves the crate in which she sleeps through the night. This morning she even dragged my newspaper down the driveway to the front porch.
She is a true joy to be with and we love her dearly. I know Genny will be an extraordinary friend and companion to both of us. She rarely leaves our side.
She comes to work with me at least twice weekly. The office is her second home and she is well adjusted with the staff. They all love her.
She is truly all we hoped for and more. Once again, we thank you both for your help, concern and your due diligence as breeders.
Sincerely Bill & Kathy

“he is truly all we hoped for and more.”

Hello, Walter and Joanne,
We live in Europe now. Our family is even bigger. I have a son, Andrew. He has already turned 1 year old. The time has been flying by so fast.
Astelle is now SchH 1, KKl 1a and has came in first place in two shows. I have attached a picture of Astelle and Andrew.
Hi Walter and Joanne
We just wanted to drop you a note to update you on Tucker (a.k.a. Duke). He really is amazing. I know that he will continue to change and grow but he is turning out to be a very beautiful dog. He has very distinguishable markings and everyone that sees him can’t help but comment on him. Both of his ears are now fully up and strong too.
All the hard work and time spent is paying off! He is doing a great job going to the door to tell us when he has to “go” and is doing very well on the leash for walks. All this snow has really put a damper on walking, but playing in the snow with the kids makes up for it. He shows incredible restraint for a puppy his age, whether it be with knowing when and how hard to play and bite things or people and with establishing his boundaries in the house (using no gates).
Anyway, just wanted to say “Thank You” again and send along a picture. This was taken last week which was about 11 weeks! He is growing like a weed.
Happy Holidays!
Deanna and Shannon Cuthill

“He really is amazing.”
1 1/2 Years Later

“we are very thankful.”
Hi Walter and Joanne
Shannon and I can’t believe the resemblance Tucker has to Yetie. Yetie has a shorter snout and is fuller, but the markings are very similar. Even as a puppy, it is like we are looking at Tucker…Don’t you think??
Thanks for the updates. We love looking at the pictures and are honored that you included him on the Yetie page. The picture of Tucker in the “cowboy” costume is pretty funny. What tolerance he has for us “human-folk”.
Someday we should stop by with him…We love him so much and we are very thankful that we have him!!!
Deanna and Shannon
Hi Walter and Joanne,
Well, we love him. Diego was wonderful on the ride home last night. We played for a while when we got home and he went down for the night at 10pm and slept until 6am this morning. Didn’t make a peep all night. Today, we had a blast in the snow and spent some time reinforcing his training that you did so wonderfully with him. He truly is a wonderful puppy, had run of the whole first floor today and just stays with us. When he gets tired he just curls up on one of the rugs and naps for a while (so long as I stay in the same room). He has definitely stolen our hearts already. We can’t thank you enough for sharing all your knowledge and for raising such a wonderful puppy. Many thanks and we’ll stay in touch and keep the pictures coming.
Maribeth & Michael
“has stolen our hearts”
16 Months Later

“the ideal dog”
Hi Walter and Joanne,
I got on the website today and saw that you have some pictures of Diego on the new litter page.
Thought you might like to see how handsome he is now… this was taken last spring but he is only getting more handsome by the day.
He is really the ideal dog……
Michael Cichy
Walter and Joanne,
Roxy is now 1 1/2 years old (Jada from the J litter.) Wilko and Lativa.
She has been such a wonderful addition to our family. You may remember that our boys were a little timid around dogs. They have fallen completely in love with Roxy. She has such a sweet and funny personality. She loves to play with the boys, chasing sticks and balls and just running around with them. Every day at 2:30, she waits on our hill where she can see the bus stop and waits for them to get home. She greets them every day, they have such a nice relationship.
Roxy is gorgeous, we are always getting compliments on her looks. She loves meeting new people, and is great around the neighborhood kids and our own kids’ friends. We take her everywhere, she can always be seen around town in my car when I’m picking up and dropping the kids at their many actives.
We are so glad that we met you, and that we have this incredible dog as a member of our family!
All our best, The Pynes

“incredible dog”